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Award Categories

Broadcast Hall of Fame

The Hall of Fame is the most prestigious award given to a Canadian Broadcaster – this would be similar to the Broadcaster of the Year award that the WAB previously presented.

Gold Medal Awards

The Gold Medal Awards are presented to WAB member stations for outstanding contribution to Canadian broadcasting industry in the area of community service or digital innovation. 

Leaders of Tomorrow

This award will be given to an individual who is under 30 as of June of the year awarded and have demonstrated leadership and skill in broadcasting.

Hall of Fame

The WAB Hall of Fame is the most prestigious award given to a Canadian Broadcaster – this would be similar to the Broadcaster of the Year award that the WAB previously presented.

In order to be considered for induction, the application must clearly show how the nominee meets each criteria point through explanation or examples.

Criteria includes:

  • Must be a private broadcaster with a minimum of 30 years in the industry

  • Demonstrated a commitment to the highest standards of broadcast excellence

  • Demonstrated community service in their role

  • Demonstrated extraordinary leadership and experienced significant successes throughout their career

Nominators are welcome to submit Reference Letters, additional photos and audio files by email to  Because of file size, please send video files by a third party file transfer provider.  We prefer high resolution HD videos that have not been compressed. The recommended format would be 1080p ProRes mov. (uncompressed 1920x1080)

Any Questions? Please contact Spryng Kubicek

The Gold Medal Awards

The Gold Medal Awards are presented to WAB member stations for outstanding contribution to Canadian broadcasting industry in the areas of community service or digital innovation.

Entries will be judged using the following criteria:

• Benefit to the community
• Magnitude of the effort
• Staff support and participation
• Sustainability of the initiative/program
• Other recognition received


Gold Medal Award for Community Service:
What new and innovative initiatives did your radio or television station support this past year?  We want to hear about what happened in your community and the impact of your team's effort.  We have appreciated reviewing nominations in the past of initiatives that have been well-established and stood the test of time in your markets, and will continue to review them - BUT our board is giving strong weight in judging the entries to ideas that are new, unique and creative.

Under Radio, your station is able to apply under one of the 2 categories:

- Market size under 150,000
- Market size 150,000 & up

Under Television, nominations will not be judged separately by market size.

Gold Medal Award for Digital Innovation:
What new and innovative initiatives did your station execute either on digital platforms and or by deploying digital in support of radio or television activities? Share your new ideas, innovations and 'wins' worth celebrating in your respective digital activities. These can be community focused, station focused, promotion, programming or news and information.

Need ideas? Consider the following Digital initiatives from your station!

- a new station website design
- a interactive add on experience
- digital revenue program
- a promo or contest with a significant digital component
- content that went viral


Examples of media releases pertaining to that initiative or program along with samples of media coverage may also be submitted in support of your entry.

The entry should cover only a single initiative or program that the member station has undertaken in the past year rather than covering multiple initiatives or programs. Please complete the online nomination form and submit additional attachments including audio files, photos, station logos by email to  

Because of file size, please send video files by a third party file transfer provider.   We prefer high resolution HD videos that have not been compressed. The recommended format would be 1080p ProRes mov. (uncompressed 1920x1080) and the preferred video length is 2 mins 15 sec or under. Though not mandatory, the WAB has a strong preference to receive a video that can be displayed at the Awards Gala of the winning entry.

This year’s Gold Medal Awards, mounted and inscribed, will be presented at the Annual Conference of the Association.

Any Questions? Please contact Spryng Kubicek

Leaders of Tomorrow

This award will be given to those “Leaders of Tomorrow” who are under 30 as of June of the year awarded and have demonstrated leadership and skill in broadcasting. The purpose of the award is to honour employees of WAB member stations who have reached a significant level of success but have not reached the age of 30, and to promote mentorship and professional development by introducing these leaders to the established business community and by promoting them as role models for others.

Successful nominees will be employees at WAB member stations and will be evaluated using the following criteria: career accomplishments, growth and development, professional expertise and community and charitable involvement. Submissions will be reviewed by the WAB Board of Directors and must be accompanied by a high resolution head shot and a completed application form.

Nominators are welcome to submit Reference Letters, additional photos and audio files by email to  Because of file size, please send video files by a third party file transfer provider.  We prefer high resolution HD videos that have not been compressed. The recommended format would be 1080p ProRes mov. (uncompressed 1920x1080) and the preferred video length is 2 mins 15 sec or under.

Any Questions? Please contact Spryng Kubicek

Registration for the 85th WAB Conference is now open!