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Tracy Johnson

 Tracy Johnson

Founder, The Tracy Johnson Media Group

Leverage the Power of AI to Inspire A Content Revolution For Your Brand

11:10 am - 12:00 pm

Artificial Intelligence is the most important and valuable innovation since the personal computer, but many broadcasters need guidance on using it effectively. In this session, Tracy Johnson will take some of the mystery out of AI and give you useful, practical advice to use immediately to enhance your brands on-air, online, and social media.

Widely recognized for his innovation and influence within the media landscape, Tracy Johnson has made a profound impact across a broad spectrum of media, including radio broadcasting, digital platforms, and podcasting.

Originally from Nebraska, Johnson's meteoric rise in radio programming left footprints in markets from Kansas City to Jacksonville and consulting with Alan Burns in Washington, DC.

Johnson’s career took in San Diego in 1992. It was here that he orchestrated the stunning "worst to first" achievements twice in the same market, first with KKLQ (Q106) and then KFMB-FM (Star 100.7), rocketing them from #19 to #1 and #22 to #1, respectively.

His strategic vision, combined with inventive promotional tactics, led these stations to numerous industry accolades, most notably earning Johnson the title of Radio Ink Magazine's "Best Programmer in America."

In 1998, he became Market Manager for the KFMB stations, where he became a digital pioneer. Johnson foresaw the potential of online strategies for media brands early on. In 1998 he launched one of the industry's first online streaming stations and digital marketing strategy, resulting in over $1 million in annual digital revenue by 2002.

His proficiency in blending traditional and digital media led him to the role of Executive Vice President of Audience Engagement for Triton Media, where he trained and advised over 700 media companies - from radio and television to newspapers - on how to connect traditional brands to the new digital landscape for increased engagement and revenue.

Johnson's specialty is training, developing, and managing on-air talent. He has written 25 books on the topic, including Morning Radio, which has been described as “The Bible Of Personality Radio” and “The best book I’ve ever read about radio…period” by the legendary Scott Shannon.

In his career, Johnson has programmed and consulted more than 1,000 radio stations in more than 20 countries.

Johnson started The Tracy Johnson Media Group in 2011 and currently offers programming, marketing, and talent coaching services for broadcasters, podcasters, and digital content creators.

With his unique blend of expertise in crafting content, implementing successful creative strategies, managing digital initiatives, generating new revenue sources, and building dynamic teams, Johnson continues to innovate and redefine success in today's ever-changing media landscape.

Registration for the 85th WAB Conference is now open!